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Numerical modelling of flexible pavement incorporating cross-anisotropic material properties Part II : Surface rectangular loading




In order to better understand the impact of increased loading on roads, studies on tyre-roadinteraction have gained prominence in recent years. Tyres form an essential interface betweenvehicles and road pavement surfaces. These are the only parts of the vehicle that are in contactwith the road and transmit the vehicle loading to the road surface. The use of the Cartesiancoordinate system is convenient in dealing with a uniform/non-uniform tyre load acting overa rectangular area, but few research reports are available that provide any form of theoreticalsolutions for pavement responses. This paper presents analytical solutions of responses due torectangular loading acting on the surface of a multi-layered pavement system. The solutionsdeveloped incorporate both isotropic and cross-anisotropic material properties. The methodfollowed is based on classical trigonometric integral and Fourier transformation of Navier’sequations. Accuracy and validity of the solutions are verified through comparisons with aproprietary finite element method (FEM) package. For this purpose, a pavement structurecomposed of five main layers constituted by isotropic and cross-anisotropic (also knownas transversely isotropic) material properties is analysed. In order to vary some of the layerproperties with depth, the main layers were sub-layered, resulting in a 17-layer pavement system.



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